Day 1
The first session in the conference “Nuclear in Sustainable Energy Production” will open the secrets behind success – ensuring competences, Ecosystem and Economy. The session is hosted by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland with FinNuclear.
Speakers are:
– Liisa Heikinheimo, Deputy Director General at Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
– Petteri Tiippana, Director General at STUK and Vice-Chair of WENRA
– Paweł Pytlarczyk, Deputy Director of Nuclear Energy Department, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Poland
– Bernard Fontana, CEO of Framatome
– Tarik Choho, President, EMEA operating plant services at Westinghouse
– Juhani Hyvärinen, Professor at LUT University
The second session “Emerging Technology, Emerging Nuclear Facilities: Safeguarding the Nuclear Future” is an interactive panel discussion on how emerging technology and emerging facilities will create challenges, and solutions, for the management of spent nuclear fuel and safeguard information. The session is hosted by STUK International.
Speakers are:
– Mr. Massimo Garribba, Deputy Director General at European Commission DG-Energy
– Cindy Vestergaard, Director of Nuclear Safeguards at Stimson Center
– Lisa Frizzell, VP of Communications at Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization
– Mikael Moring, Senior Inspector at Finland Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK)
– Caroline Cochran, Co-Founder and COO of Oklo Inc
– Jenni Rissanen, Team Leader, Strategic Planning Team, Dept of Safeguards at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The third session topics that will be discussed are financing, wellbeing of society and can competitiveness be improved by Supply Chain Optimization? The session is hosted by TVO.
Speakers are:
– Kirsty Gogan, Founder and Managing Director at TerraPraxis and Managing Director at LucidCatalyst
– Christoper Eckerberg, Vice President Nuclear Decommissioning at Vattenfall
– Jarmo Tanhua, CEO of Teollisuuden Voima Oy
– Vakisasai Ramany, Senior VP, International Nuclear Development at EDF
Day 2
The opening of the second conference day is with the session “Financing Nuclear Newbuilds”. In this session will be discussion about new build market, operation, modernization, and decommissioning. “We must focus on the new build first. Otherwise, there is no lifecycle, no decommissioning, no future.”
Speakers are:
– Tuomo Huttunen, PR Manager at Fennovoima
– Nathan Paterson, Senior Programme Lead at World Nuclear Association
– Alan Woods, Strategy and Business Development Director at Rolls Royce SMR
– Peter Treialt, CFO of Fermi Energy
The fifth conference session “Nuclear Innovations” will discuss ways to improve the cost competitiveness of the nuclear industry and to develop new businesses. The future of nuclear energy industry will be ensured with help of new innovations and digitalization. Session is hosted by VTT.
Speakers are:
– Erika Holt, Customer Account Lead at VTT
– Jussi Manninen, EVP Carbon Neutral Solutions at VTT
– Herkko Plit, CEO of P2X Solutions Oy
– Katja Sipilä, Development Manager at SWECO
– Raimo Lehtinen, Business Director at Peikko Group.
The sixth and last conference session “SMRs as Part of Future of Nuclear: How to make Small Modular Reactor (SMR) deployments a reality” will bring a practical viewpoint into one of the most interesting topics in the industry. The session will feature insights from planning of first SMR new build projects in Europe as well as viewpoints from actors outside Europe and from non-nuclear utilities looking into nuclear as a new option in their palette. The session is hosted by Fortum.
Speakers are:
– Olli Kymäläinen, Senior Manager at Fortum Nuclear Services
– Gary Rose, Vice President of Ontario Power Generator
– Kalev Kallemets, CEO of Fermi Energy
– Johan Lundberg, The Managing Director at OKG AB
– Ville Sahlberg, Technology Manager at Helen
You can read more about all the speakers from Nordic Nuclear Forum website: You can also find all the exhibitors and sponsors from the website: