Oliver Martin

Oliver Martin holds a MSc and a PhD in mechanical engineering and a MSc in nuclear science & technology. He entered EC-JRC Petten site in 2006 and worked for two years on integrity assessment and degradation of spent nuclear fuel canisters before moving to his current work field, LTO of LWRs. He is project / team leader for LTO of LWRs of the Nuclear Reactor Safety and Emergency Preparedness Unit within the Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate of EC-JRC. He is increasingly dealing with nuclear codes & standards and licensing issues of reactors and individual SSC, for current LWRs, new-build and innovative LWRs like water-cooled SMRs. He is significantly involved in the activities of the international association for R&D on Gen II & III reactors, NUGENIA, and is a member of international working / expert groups, a.o. the IAEA Technical Working Group on Life Management of NPPs.