Venue & Accommodation


Nordic Nuclear Forum 2024 will be held in Little Finlandia located in the capital city of Finland in Helsinki.

Little Finlandia is a new wooden pavilion-like experience center which has been opened during the renovation of Finlandia Hall. Little Finlandia is located in the middle of the most beautiful area of Helsinki and it offers a unique setting and atmosphere for different kind of events from parties to gala evenings.

Little Finlandia
Address: Karamzininranta 4
00100 Helsinki
Phone: +358 (0) 9 40241

Public transportation
Event venue Little Finlandia is located in a scenic park of the shores of Töölönlahti Bay. Venue is located near the main train station and several tram and bus stops which offers easy and frequent public transport connections from the airport, bus and train stations. Public transportation provider HSL. 

Next to the Finlandia building there is a parking garage, Aimo Park. The drive to the parking garage takes place via Karamzininranta 2 right next to the Pikku Finlandia. Check more details about parking via Finlandia building’s website. 



Discount from hotel booking

Scandic Group offers a discount from their hotel Scandic Park for Nordic Nuclear Forum participants between 19-24 May. You can choose your preferred room type and get an additional discount when paying for the reservation immediately upon booking.

The cancellation condition of an individual accommodation reservation depends on the type of reservation chosen by the guest. To confirm the reservation, the guest must provide the hotel with valid credit card information. The rooms can be booked according to the hotel’s booking status.

When booking a room from Scandic Park use code FIARB to get the discount. Discount is valid for reservation between 19-24 May 2024.