A big THANK YOU to all who contributed to the NNF2021 as a speaker, panelist, sponsor, exhibitor, facilitator, attendee etc. We had a fruitful 3-day event online filled with presentations, special sessions, interactions and most of all, business networking meetings.

Nordic Nuclear Forum focuses on businesses involved in the nuclear industry. We had 280 attendees from 140 companies registered to the online event platform. 50% of the attendees had at least 1 meeting during the event. Some had more than 20 meetings. In total, there were 338 scheduled meetings within the event platform, but even more meetings were scheduled outside the event platform. We are very happy that so many of you had embraced this unique opportunity to meet and make new connections online. At the same time we also realize that the other half of our attendees missed the opportunity for some reason. 25% of attendees had opted in for networking, yet had no meetings scheduled. The rest had opted out of networking. We certainly hope that every attendee left the event with something to take away with.
For your information, we have uploaded the recordings and presentation slides of the main sessions to the event platform. Event attendees can access them on-demand by logging in to the event platform until the end of August 2021. Recording of the opening session is available for free to anyone interested from this link. Unfortunately, special session contents are not available on-demand, but you can access sponsors’ and exhibitors’ presentations from the exhibition section.

We hope and trust that some of the online connections made at the NNF2021 event will continue to develop into business relationships. If you want to share your stories how Nordic Nuclear Forum has acted as a catalyst in building your business relationships, please keep it coming through Twitter or LinkedIn or e-mail so we can share.

Nordic Nuclear Forum 2022 will take place on 7-9 June 2022 in Helsinki, hopefully as an in-person event. Please mark your calendar! Meanwhile, you will find FinNuclear and companies from Finland at World Nuclear Exhibition (WNE) in Paris from 30 Nov to 2 Dec 2021. See you around!
P.S. please remember to give us your feedback!