We’re gathering in 1 week for the Nordic Nuclear Forum 2021 Suppliers Edition Online! Since the launch of our event platform last week, attendees have been actively scheduling one-to-one meetings with the other attendees from organisations such as Framatome, GE Power, Platom, Rolls-Royce, Rosatom, Sweco, VTT and Westinghouse.

It’s exciting to bring the community together online despite the pandemic situation. Fortunately in Europe we’re starting to see the end of the tunnel as the vaccination rate has progressed. A wave of face-to-face events are expected towards this fall, but this would be the online event for you to attend before the summer holiday season kicks in. With our online event platform, you can easily request and schedule 15 min meetings with just 3 clicks. Make the most out of the event to discover new contacts, catch-up and reconnect with the old ones next week. This way you’re making a head start for the face-to-face events of near future. Of course we’re planning our face-to-face event as well, the next Nordic Nuclear Forum in Helsinki on 7-9 June 2022. So please mark your calendar!
Anyone feeling you’ve seen everything what online events can offer? We feel you and so we’re trying something a little different. Nordic Nuclear Forum 2021 offers you a unique opportunity to hear from the industry’s leaders in the form of special sessions! (Sorry we couldn’t think of any fancier name.) They are a series of 30 min bite-sized contents brought to you by our sponsors, real-time showroom with only 100 seats! Check out the program, and log in to the event platform today before the meeting slots fill up. Hope you enjoy our event!